“Byrom Street Chambers is strong for civil instructions and offers an ‘excellent service’ aided by ‘unparalleled clerks’ support' ”

News Update

24th March 2020

In light of the latest Government’s Advice Byrom Street Chambers in accordance with its Business Continuity Plan will be implementing arrangements for remote working with effect from 24.03.2020 until further notice.


Chambers will continue to provide service to our solicitors and clients. Contact with the clerks and individual members of chambers will continue by means of telephone and email communication. Chambers has the facility and ability to arrange meetings and conferences using a wide variety of video and other internet based services. We will continue to liaise and keep our clients updated with the arrangements for court based hearings and appointments.


Chambers request that all instructions and other paperwork be transmitted using electronic media wherever possible.


We wish all our clients and everyone the best in these difficult times. By looking out for each other and working collaboratively together we can weather this storm.




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